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Teston is a remote unmoderated user testing platform from Norway. As part of their localization strategy, they wanted to localize their content into German. As a UX Writer and Researcher and fluent speaker of German and English, I was chosen to proofread the German translations checking if they matched the UX subject matter. I also translated the UX and branding glossary. I was responsible for reviewing the brand guidelines and imagery to see if it needed to be localized for the German market.

German localization of Teston: Texte
German localization of Teston: Image

Interesting example

When reviewing the Teston page for images, videos, or icons that didn't match the German market or could potentially even offend the German user, I found that the language icon looked like a Scandinavian flag. This was because the first countries localized were Norway and Sweden.

I suggested a more neutral flag icon so Germans would also feel included.

German localization of Teston: Texte
Teston language flag.png
German localization of Teston: Image
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